Sunday, September 19, 2010

Starting Your Day with a Bang!

WOW!  Nothing like a bomb going off in your backyard while pressing a razor to your face in the morning.  While getting ready for my day I heard a rumble that sounded like a delivery truck outside the house.  Paying little attention, I continued to make myself presentable. Then it happened.  Lightning struck the tree in our backyard.  The whole house shook, the lights flashed and the smoke alarms went off for a minute or so.  Seconds later my son comes flying into the room saying “Dad we just got hit by lightning!”  I walked to the back of the house to see what the damage might be.  The backyard was littered with wood fragments and our tree was stripped of all its bark.  I have seen the damage lightning can cause to trees in the past but I have never seen a tree explode like this one did.  Fortunately, the house was not hit directly but it is amazing to me how powerful nature can be.  While the strike did not hit the house directly it did make it’s presence known through the damage caused by the bark flying through screens and putting holes in our siding as well as a number of electronics within the house that were zapped by the power surge.  The tree will need to be removed which is a shame since this tree provides a lot shade for us during the summer.  We will be looking for a replacement tree, however it will be several years before a new tree can deliver the same shade we experienced with this tree.

While I could try to align this story in some way to my business or industry I will refrain from doing so.  I just thought I would share an interesting event in my life this month.

More images of the lightning strike can be viewed @

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